Friday, April 3, 2015

March 2015

March has been crazy. Just crazy. So here goes. 
March 2015

-went on vacation(!!) to Florida for a week

-while in Florida, I went fishing and actually caught a fish for the first time, then cleaned one, too (lots of fish blood and scales everywhere)

-also got majorly sunburned

-got behind on math by over a month (yayyyyyy

-ate a lot of cereal

-somehow got myself into eating a datil pepper (100,000-300,000 on the Scoville scale.) I don't think I cried too hard

-participated in County Activities Day. (We got our scoresheets today, I did really well on everything and I think I'm moving on to States!)

-continued practicing for Peter Pan and Wendy. It's going to be so amazing! 

-may or may not have bought 2.7 pounds of raw cookie dough from my dance studio's fundraiser
Things I've been obsessed with this month:

-cereal (again)

-Into the Woods (it's an amazing musical)

-sleeping. It's interesting how when you're younger, you don't want to take naps and you don't really think you need them. Then you get older and suddenly, you start falling asleep everywhere. And you never want to get up in the morning. 
But you have no time for naps. 
Goals for next month:

-finish the Heroes of Olympus series again

-get my splits

-get kinda caught up on math
So yeah. This has been my month. Lots of fun, but rather busy. 

I hope you all have a fabulous Easter! He is risen indeed:)

Happy April☀

(And now, a bunch of random pictures of koalas, because I can. Also because they're adorable.)

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