Tuesday, May 5, 2015

April 2015/babysitting

Okay, go ahead and say it. 

I'm a terrible person. I haven't written a post in a month and two days. 

I'm so sorry, and I have no idea why I haven't had time to. 

Anyway, here goes!
April 2015


-My grandmother was here for a couple of weeks

-Made a dress(!!) I wasn't sure with how it was going to turn out because I have a really weird body type and I seriously had a different measurement in each size. But I was really satisfied!

-Still behind on math. There was a week where all I did was a little school, a lot of sewing, and play practice. That's it. 

-Finished all my dances for the end of the year show! (In ballet, I'm dancing to Arwen's Vigil by Piano Guys, jazz is Brotherhood of Man from a broadway show, and modern is Flicker by Lorde)
Goals for next month:
-BLOG MORE(I'm seriously so sorry)

-Finish Heroes of Olympus

-Get my splits

-Be generally fabulous
(I mean, what?)

-Perform as Tootles in Peter Pan and Wendy (which I'm super excited about)

-Drink more smoothies

-And finally, blog more. I know I already said it but I feel awful and intend to do a better job this month. 
So I babysat yesterday. 

It was pretty much the usual. At one point, she decided to tell me a knock knock joke, which went something along the lines of this.....

"Knock knock."
"Who's there?"
"Orange who?"
(She hesitates, before saying)"Banana. Orange you glad I didn't say banana?"

Yeah. Her jokes could use a bit of work. 

And we went on a long walk in the woods. When we started to head back, she got scared because she couldn't see the house(I knew exactly where we were going…kinda) and she thought her mom would forget all about her.  We got back to the house, she said, "Oh, no! This isn't our house! Our house is blue, and this is tan."

Actually, I'm pretty sure their house is and has been tan. 

Anyway, yeah. More babysitting adventures that are probably a little lame but I find hilarious. 

(Right now, I'm sitting on the couch writing and my brother is across the room playing Guys and Dolls music and now I'm kinda really sad)

Have a great May, you guys!!☀

(So this is my dress. It's really silky fabric that's gorgeous and feels great but it just kinda slithers all over the place when you're trying to sew)

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