Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Blessings Abounding

This year, our Thanksgiving was very different.

The roads were bad in Massachusetts, so we didn't end up going like we usually do.

But all in all, it was pretty fun.

I watched almost all of the production blogs for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, we went to go see a movie in theaters, then went over to my sister Maggie's house and visited.


But it doesn't matter how we spend Thanksgiving.

As long as we take the day to be thankful. Truly thankful.

Sometimes, I don't realize how much I have. I have an awesome family. I always know when my next meal's going to be. I get to do school. I have more books than I can count, and can read (almost) whenever I want. I have cats to cuddle with. I have a piano. I have friends that put up with my weirdness.

But most of all, I have the assurance that God loves me.

I'm not always thankful for these things. I take them for granted.

But they won't always be there.

People die. Food runs out. Books can be lost. Animals aren't around forever.

But God never dies.

The Pilgrims chose to celebrate the first Thanksgiving because they were thankful to God. Thankful for the Indians, for the fact that yes, they had lost people. But they were still there.

It's gotten lost, though.

Thanksgiving is often no longer a time to give thanks to God. People tend to look at it as just an excuse to have a day off school or work. To start Christmas shopping.

And there are probably plenty of people in this world who don't look at Thanksgiving that way, but that's how it looks to me.

I know this is late. It's several days after Thanksgiving by now. But take some time to thank God for the little things in life, as well as the big things:)

I'm thankful for...
my Bible
Owl City
Christmas trees
sheet music

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